Studies of social deviance have pointed to retreatism into
subculture as an adaptation which allows for more authentic identity
expression. This study will examine how the renaissance festival setting offers
a context for non-normative identity performance within a carnivalesque setting
in which the construction of shared fantasy is the basis of social processes.
It will also ask how social strain combined with the influence of popular media
may influence participants toward retreatism in the subculture as a social
setting in which they can find meaningful interaction with others who share
their social paradigm and romanticized version of history.
This study seeks to answer several questions relevant to
existing scholarly literature in the fields of sociology, performance studies,
and fandom and leisure.
How is the shared fantasy of romanticized history
constructed at renaissance festivals and within the “rennie” subculture? Fine
(1983) addresses the social construction of shared fantasy in role playing
games. The similar element of an idealized historical context exists in both
settings, as well as many of the popular cultural influences which may inform
participants’ performances of self and shared meanings of interactions.
Kirol-Evans, in her book Renaissance
Festivals: Merrying the Past and Present (2009), considers the intrasticive
nature of this social setting in which the 21st and 16th
centuries exist simultaneously, giving a rich description of both setting and
performance with particular attention to the variation in levels of immersion.
Themes of play (Huizinga 1950) and social construction (Berger & Luckmann
1966) also inform this study.
How do participants become interested and involved in this
subculture? Both Korol-Evans and Cramer (2010) explore the medieval
re-creationist subculture, describing the initiatory process of becoming
involved and what factors influence that process. Experts in social deviance,
Becker (1963) and Agnew (1997) both offer insight into deviant subculture
How is identity performed in the renaissance festival
setting? What influences the construction of these presumably alternate or
non-normative identity performances, and how do they differ from identities
performed outside the festival or the subculture? Goffman’s classic, The Performance of Self in Everyday Life
(1959), is the canonical basis for studies of social and identity performance,
and provides a theoretical basis for exploring the variation in front stage and
backstage identities and interactions. However, as appears to be the nature of
this subculture, the fantasy element in identity performance (Fine 1983,
Korol-Evans 2009, Cramer 2010) leaves many questions concerning how these
fantasies are constructed, how they manifest at the renaissance festival, and
even why this social environment in particular is so conducive to their
And to what degree participation in renaissance
festivals and affiliation with this subculture affect participants’ lives
outside of the renaissance faire? Korol-Evans and Cramer discuss the
juxtaposition of “real life” to the immersive world of the festival setting.
And deviance theorists such as Agnew and Becker provide a framework for
examining social strain and outsiderdom, respectively. However, questions
remain unanswered as to how participation in the renaissance festival as a
social setting affects participants’ lives outside the faire and during the off
Agnew, Robert. 1997. “The Nature and Determinants of Strain: Another Look at Durkheim and Merton.” Pp. 27-51 in The Future of Anomie Theory, edited by N. Passas and R. Agnew.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. 1968. Rabelais and His World.
Becker, Howard S. 1963. Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance. The Free Press,
Berger, Peter and Thomas Luckmann. 1966. The Social Construction of Reality. New
Cramer, Michael. 2010. Medieval Fantasy as Performance.
Fine, Gary A. 1983. Shared Fantasy: Role-Playing Games as Social Worlds.
Goffman, Erving. 1959. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.
Huizinga, Johan. 1950. Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture.
Korol-Evans, Kimberly T. 2009. Renaissance Festivals: Merrying the Past and Present.
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