Thursday, April 11, 2013

Officially Official

It's officially official--my thesis is done! The final copy has been accepted by the graduate college and everything has the green light for graduation in a couple weeks. Now all I have to do is teach and grade papers for the rest of the semester.

It's been a wild ride. I'd been to renfaires before, and I enjoy them or I would never have attempted this project. But just as with anything in life, when you start examining the minutia of something in a new way, it takes on whole new meanings. And of course, whenever you run something through a slew of social theory it always comes out sounding both impressively complex and ultimately simple at the same least for me. 

No spoilers on the findings in the final paper. However, as per my university's policy, it did get uploaded to OhioLINK and should show up on a Google search by some time later this year. (I still get a weird feeling in my belly every time I think about that, like my butterflies aren't sure if they're going to be sick.)

No pirates were harmed during this research project...although a few did ask to be flogged later, because they like it. 

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